Mad Hatter


It is that time of year again when the girls are finally given the green light to ask out a guy: Vice. There is no longer the excuse of the outdated phrase “He is the boy, he is supposed to make the first move.” Now is the time for the girls to step out of the shadows and stop hiding behind old-fashioned social norms. However, it is not as easy as it might seem. I think that as girls, many of us do not realize all that goes into asking someone out. To many of us, it may just be a simple yes or no question. But when the roles are reversed, we can finally understand what really goes on behind the scenes.

It is way more than just a simple question that one asks without any thought. There are several things to take into consideration. When to ask, where to ask and, most importantly, how to ask. Asking someone out is no easy task in and of itself, but when you couple it with the necessity to be original and creative it becomes increasingly more difficult. It has to be cute but not cheesy, thoughtful but not over-the-top. Asking someone out can be tricky. Though siting back and waiting may be difficult, I think that girls tend to take it for granted once they are the ones in the driving seat. I have to give the guys some credit; it takes some courage to put yourself out there like that.

Personally, I have never asked anyone to Vice before, so this feeling is truly unknown to me. I have always wanted to ask someone, but I either could not find anyone to ask or I completely chickened out. I have broken all the pacts I made with my best friend about how I would certainly ask the guy I was currently interested in once Vice rolled around. For some reason I could never bring myself to ask anyone. I never had the courage the boys always had whenever they asked anyone to Vice.

However, as my high school career is coming to an end, I am sitting here reflecting on my hesitation. Why not just do it? I mean, what is there to lose, really? It is not like I will be attending CHS much longer; what does it matter if I completely embarrass myself? I might as well just go for it.

With that being said, I am wondering if perhaps Josh Gellerman would like to go to Vice with me?