KYOTV works to unite the student body

KYOTV is a school-wide broadcasted show that details on all CHS campus events, comedy skits, school news and student inter- views. This year, three seniors, Alex Hadden, Cadie Nussbaum and Max Levy are the faces of KYOTV and are in charge of producing an entertaining show.

In contrast to last year’s KYOTV, Had- den, Nussbaum and Levy have made it their top priority to focus on school-oriented topics. The decision was made in an effort to increase student participation in the videos. Rather than creating content unrelated to school events, they prioritize on-campus activities to form ideas for skits.

“A lot of previous years have strayed away from this, making it harder for the administration to pass episodes,” said Nussbaum.

The group brainstorms ideas for scripts in several ways. Hadden and Nussbaum started creating skit ideas together during their freshman year. A binder with scratched ideas that the group often uses for inspiration, from pre- vious years has also been passed down to them.

“Each episode takes a lot of work,” said Nussbaum. “The cast has to be at all school events and make sure they capture quality foot- age. We like to attend events and enjoy our- selves, but we have to remember that our job is to be lming.”

In addition to reporting events, the videos must be edited to perfection, which can take hours; this is Levy’s job. He utilizes the green screen on campus to make creative sets and adds effects to develop a captivating scene. Levy tends to edit an episode for hours, per- fecting every detail.

“It takes way too long, probably about 100 hours,” said Levy.

Being on KYOTV has changed Hadden, Nussbaum and Levy’s high school experiences completely. As freshmen, sophomores and juniors, the three enjoyed watching the episodes created by their peers and hoped to do the same one day. Nussbaum and Hadden were joined by Levy shortly before their commissionship auditions, creating a well-rounded team with a wide variety of abilities.

“The goal of KYOTV is to make each student feel like they matter in the student body,” said Nussbaum.

The group is able to accomplish this goal in several ways. By doing humorous inter- views and quizzes or responding to casting calls on the KYOTV Instagram, students all around campus have the opportunity to be apart of the show. All grades enjoy seeing their peers in the sports montage or getting quizzed on the spot at RACI. Hadden, Nussbaum and Levy are also under pressure to get high quality episodes released as fast as possible.

“When we nish an episode we show it to Ms. Ortiz, if she approves it, it goes to Mrs. Johnson and if she approves it, then it is good to go,” said Hadden.

KYOTV has definitely succeeded in be- coming an entertaining and inclusive show at CHS. Hadden, Nussbaum and Levy work very hard to ensure that every episode is their best work and put all their efforts to create quality content for the CHS student body.•