Feature: Meet the ASB class presidents

Now that the CHS student body has elected its freshman class officers, all ASB class presidents are working hard to ensure that students are heard and enjoy their high school experience. Below is an insight into who the presidents are and what they have planned for the school year.

Senior Class President Helena Pichhadze was part of ASB last year and participated in Eagle Service, her middle school’s version of student leadership. She is also active in the community in other ways.

“I do Champions baseball,” said Pichhadze. “I play baseball with kids with special needs. All throughout middle school and the beginning of high school, I did party planning […] for all the kids with special needs, and I think that actually really helps a lot with ASB.”

Pichhadze loves ASB’s connection with administration; if students communicate an issue through homeroom representatives or the anonymous student issue form, ASB can pass along the message. She hopes to encourage greater student participation this year.

“I think I just want to be more in touch with our grade [and] be more connected,” said Pichhadze. “I really want to bring back spirit and bring back class participation.” 

Zachary Rubinstein has been a part of ASB since his freshman year, first as Freshman Class President, then as Athletics Commissioner and now as Junior Class President. Outside of ASB, Rubinstein is passionate about sports and medicine.

“I play baseball, [… and] I have a club […] aiding elderly people who have dementia,” said Rubinstein. “I volunteer at Tarzana Hospital to help patients there because I want to become a doctor.” 

Rubinstein hopes to grow beyond his actions as Freshman Class President and plans to pursue activities to help promote class spirit, including a potential movie night.

“My first year was COVID, so I think this year what I’m trying to do more is create events as a prelude to senior year,” said Rubinstein. 

 Sophomore Class President Devin Aaron has been in leadership for four years, including Freshman Class President last year and leadership in seventh and eighth grade. He is also a leader on campus through sports.

“I’m on Varsity Tennis also as team manager, so it’s another leadership thing, and […] a bunch of clubs around campus,” said Aaron. “[I enjoy] leadership in general and being someone people could look up to and ask questions. [I want to be] someone that really represents the student body […] and our grade.” 

Because Aaron has been elected two years in a row, he hopes to get started right away and build off of last year rather than facing an entirely blank slate. 

“Last year was more just getting started off, […] starting the funds and starting apparel, but this year, we’re more trying to set ourselves up for junior year which sets us up for senior year and all the events for senior year,” said Aaron. “It’s more class events in general, not just fundraising, and also fundraising for future events.”

Liam Bina was recently elected Freshman Class President. Although this is his first time in a leadership position, he feels he is prepared and has a great connection with the students. 

“I want to make my freshmen peers’ year more worthwhile [and] exciting and bring joy to the year,” said Bina. “You could impact the school and the student life and really change things for the better [in leadership].”

Bina plays competitive golf and is interested in solving environmental issues on campus.

“[I want to] bring awareness to the problems that [litter] is causing and […] show how it’s affecting the wildlife,” said Bina. 

Bina plans to run for Sophomore Class President next year.