Zero period is just not worth it


When the sun rises every day, zero period students at CHS must avoid the snooze button, wake up and get ready to tackle another day of school. In theory, zero period is a great way to add an extra class to an already packed schedule, but in reality, attending a 7 a.m. class can eventually disrupt a student’s sleeping habits, grade point average and overall well-being.

One of the more prominent issues with zero period is the effect it has on a student’s sleep cycle since most students are up late working on homework or taking part in extracurriculars. Waking up absurdly early to make it to school before the bell results in an unhealthy sleep pattern, as students do not receive a full eight hours rest. This may set students up for an unsuccessful school day and cause them to perform poorly on tests or quizzes. Sleep deprivation also has other negative effects on students such as causing irritability or even moodiness.

This extra class, which in most cases is not an AP class, usually entails a decent amount of homework and studying. A student’s zero period may limit a student’s success in his or her other six classes; especially if this extra class is particularly hard. Some students even take zero period as a way to have a free period at the end of the day, but many argue that they would have performed better in the class had they just taken it during period five or six. Eventually, this will affect the student’s overall grades, as one class can easily bring down a high grade point average. Sleeping for another hour may prove more beneficial, so the student can put his or her best foot forward and get the grades they deserve.

On top of that, zero period adds another set of responsibilities to students who are already overwhelmed with homework, tests and projects. If a person takes six other classes, their workload will soon be too much to handle, not to mention the fact that they have to wake up an hour and a half earlier than everyone else. If one is stressed and does not get enough sleep, his or her overall well-being and attitude towards others may change drastically. In many cases, these staggering responsibilities often cause more harm than good to one’s ultimate welfare.

“Zero period is too early for my brain to function,” said sophomore Alexandra Hadden. “It’s as if there’s no point in attending because I won’t be able to focus.”
On the other hand, zero period does have some beneficial aspects. Many take an additional course to prosper or advance, although some students’ grades suffer due to their heavy workload. Some may even take a zero period to allow themselves a free period, which will give them extra time at home to study. However, with all things considered, zero period is detrimental to a student’s overall health and well-being, for it does not allow enough time for a student to perform to their highest potential in each class.