Make sure to read about the other candidates:
Of all the Republican candidates, Mitt Romney is perhaps the most stable. His social, economic and political beliefs hold true to the Republican party values. What sets Romney apart from the others, however, is his indispensable executive experience. Romney’s political understanding is necessary during the nation’s current economic crisis, and his ability to efficiently administrate will help to level and unite the Republican Party. Unfortunately, the Republican Party is currently experiencing considerable internal turmoil due to a differing opinion on the Tea Party Movement. In midst of the party’s divisions, Romney has displayed the most sanity of all the candidates.His campaign is well-structured as he rides out the antics of Rick Perry and Michelle Bachmann, an important quality in the leader of a country. Appealing to most Republican members is Romney’s pro-life stance and his proponent of the preservation of marriage. Romney sustains the Republican lines when it comes to a free-market economy with limited government as well as strict immigration laws. However, Romney does believe in that crazy thing called science and does not hold the extremely radical beliefs of other candidates that threaten to divide and further belittle the Republican Party.Throughout his campaign, Romney has managed to avoid the scandal and embarrassing incidents that have afflicted most of his Republican opponents. Furthermore, as Massachusetts governor, Romney has political experience seriously lacked by opponents such as Herman Cain. He presents an intelligent and dignified character that will not only be respected by American citizens, but as a future leader in foreign affairs. As Mass. Governor, Romney has displayed excellent leadership by successfully enforcing a personally crafted health-care plan for the state of Mass.He demonstrated an ability to take initiative when he disagreed with President Barack Obama’s plan on health-care. Even in a Democratic Washington, Republican Party members have looked to Romney as a man who will execute his proposals.
With so many divisions within the Republican Party, Romney is able to most fully represent the majority and achieve what is best for the party as a whole. On a larger scale, he is also the most eligible to guide this country in a direction of recovery and progress. •