Club rush offers new and returning clubs


Bella Epperson

This year’s club rush was held Sept. 28 and 29 in the upper quad. Student representatives from 109 unique clubs advertised with posters and sweet treats in an effort to gain new members.   

Clubs offer students the opportunity to connect over shared interests, contribute to the community and gain service hours. Club rush included both clubs from past years and clubs founded this fall.

A returning club this year is Aspiring Women Entrepreneurs. This club is meant for female students interested in learning how to navigate marketing, business management and the economy. 

“Women from all different fields of business come to our meetings on Zoom and talk about their life as an entrepreneur, management, marketing and all of those things that revolve around business,” said club representative Riley Grayson.

Other CHS clubs are designed to help students learn more about international cultures. For example, the Israeli Club offers students the opportunity to get to know the customs and traditions of Israel at monthly meetings.

“We are going to talk, learn [and] laugh — everything!” said representative Mai Franco. “We are just really good friends with each other, and it is really interesting learning about Israel, since not a lot of Israeli people go to this school.” 

Another new cultural club this year is the International Student Club, which is not limited to any specific culture.

“The club is to help unite, and learn more about all the cultures and the international students,” said representative Grace, who declined to share her last name. 

Club Rush also presented many sports oriented clubs, including the Ski/Snowboard Club. Every last Friday of the month, the club meets at lunch to watch snowboarding and skiing videos.

“You don’t even have to know how to snowboard or ski to join the club,” said representative Olivia Quinn. “[We are] trying to plan day trips to go to Mountain High or Big Bear.”

Additional club information is available through ASB Clubs/Community Commissioners Kylie Schwartz and Morgan Sax.