Gas is vital when living in California, from driving to work and school, but this necessity has become a money vacuum. California holds the highest price of gasoline across the United States. $4.95 is the current average amount of money students spend on one gallon of gas in Los Angeles. In comparison, the AAA national average is $3.24. Although gas prices will continue to fluctuate, the past 60 days have seen a slight decrease in pricing.
“The average price of a gallon of self-serve regular gasoline in Los Angeles County dropped under $5 for the first time since July 25,” reports ABC7.
The continuation of disinflation is not promised, and gas prices will most likely remain unsteady. The locational average varies due to the distance and supply of refineries. However, seasonal factors also contribute to the fluctuation of prices. It is common for this time of year to witness a drop in pricing due to cold weather and shorter days encouraging people to stay home. With less demand, the prices are able to drop. During winter months, the production of gasoline is also less expensive.

“There’s a switch to winter blend gasoline — which is cheaper to produce than the summer blend,” reports Quartz.
Crude oil is a raw, natural resource that is heated and brought to a distillation tower, eventually turning it into gasoline. Since oil is a globally used resource, wars can cause gas prices to go up or down. Depending on whether the Israel-Hamas war escalates or becomes prolonged, gas prices could possibly rise.
“Maybe. If the conflict grows into a broader regional war involving major oil producers like Iran, Borenstein said it could begin disrupting shipments or raise political blowback, driving up oil and gas prices,” reports USA Today, with information from NBC.
To fill up a car in Los Angeles, it would currently cost around $65 for a regular tank. While the prices are dropping, working students are still struggling to find these prices affordable.
Junior, John-Paul Miller fills up his tank at the price of $80. With school, he is only able to work weekends and must use the money made on gas.
“It’s horrible because I have to fill up my gas twice a week and I have a minimum wage job,” said John Paul.