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Calabasas Courier Online

-22855 Mulholland Hwy. Calabasas, CA 91302-

Calabasas Courier Online

-22855 Mulholland Hwy. Calabasas, CA 91302-

Calabasas Courier Online

Diego Sanz Serrano '24

Diego Sanz Serrano ’24, Copy Chief

My name is Diego Sanz Serrano and I am the Copy Chief. I help to refine the the amazing articles made by the Courier’s writers, and love to share my perspectives on issues that impact students. I am an avid fan of the New York Times and The Economist, hoping that maybe my writing can bring issues and their potential solutions to light, and that my editing even though a small part of the work accomplished here may further improve the passionate writing from the Courier.
All content by Diego Sanz Serrano
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