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Calabasas Courier Online

-22855 Mulholland Hwy. Calabasas, CA 91302-

Calabasas Courier Online

-22855 Mulholland Hwy. Calabasas, CA 91302-

Calabasas Courier Online

Jordyn Feenberg '22

Jordyn Feenberg ’22, Digital Editor

Hi, my name is Jordyn and this is my third year on The Calabasas Courier.  I am so excited  to be the Digital Editor. As a sophomore, I was a staff writer, and the positions I held my junior year were Creative Director and Online Editor. I am so proud of our progress last year, turning The Courier from primarily print into a multimedia outlet. I hope to utilize our social media in various ways and continue reaching more students as we publish daily content as a team. I am looking forward to this year and I cannot wait to see what The Courier creates!

All content by Jordyn Feenberg ’22
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